Monday, May 10, 2010


Our very first memory verse is found in Daniel 11:32(b):

You can memorize it in whatever translation you wish, as long as you remember the words in your own heart, then that's all that matters. (Don't forget to know where it's found too!)

NIV: "...but the people who know their God will firmly resist him."

HUGGA-WUGGA Translation: "The people who KNOW THEIR GOD, shall have MEGA-MUSCLES and go on ADVENTURES! Yeah!"

NLT: "But the people who know their God will be strong and will resist him."

So, we want to be people who KNOW our God... for then we can be strong, and resist WHO????

We can resist the devil. He wants to pull us away from our God. However, he knows, and sometimes we forget (which he wants us to) but we need to know that we can be strong... through WHO?? JESUS!! That's right! Jesus gives us the victory to overcome all that the devil can throw our way. We just need to resist him, or flee from him...

This is part of our chase... we are running away from the devil, into God's arms. I'm glad you are on this ADVENTURE with me. May God bless you this week, as you get GOD'S WORD and GOD'S LOVE into your hearts!

Love you lots (not in that way silly boys!)

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